Way back in August I wrote about a fresh buffalo cheese (a fresh iambor) from Alham Wood Organics. Last week we got another small iambor, but this one was matured quite a bit more. Their website has this to say about it: "A matured version of the fresh cheese, when very ripe becomes runny inside, a cheeseboard cheese for the connoisseur. (Be careful you might want to eat it all at once!)." Mature is right. Not sharp mature like the bizarre orange cheese Danny wrote about it, but a smoldering mature. So mature that after about a week Danny refused to eat any more of it because it smelled so strong. Oh well, more for me! It was delicious melted on seeded bread with slices of pear and parsley, and just with pear by itself.

And just in case you're worried that all we've been eating are these bizarre buffalo and goats cheeses and not the more traditional English cheeses, let me reassure you that we always have a supply of delicious mature cheddar in the fridge as well. And in case you're worried that all we're doing is clogging our arteries with cheese, my next post is going to be about fruits and vegetables!
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