Autumn has brought some exciting additions to our local farmers’ market, especially in the freshly prepared foods genre. Soon after our friends’ Laura and Mark’s arrival from the U.S., we tramped off to the market, where we promptly devoured: 1) Reibekuchen with various sauces. I imagine our readership knows them better as latkes – fried potato deliciousness. 2) A cheese toasty, split in four: Keen's cheddar hot-pressed (with fried leeks, onions, and garlic) between two slices of hearty bread.
Maybe the damp cold of the English autumn and winter won’t be so bad after all.
Incidentally, once we arrived, the weather turned beautiful and sunny (coincidence? We'll let you be the judge). I will say, that was one of the more delicious (albeit nontraditional) breakfasts I've had in a long time -- and the great company didn't hurt :)